PickMe and Uber are the most popular App Based Taxi Services in Sri Lanka. Despite being very easy to place a booking and also safer compared to hiring a normal roadside taxi, these services are also a hotspot for scams.

The Scams happen in many ways and the unaware passenger can fall for the tricks played by Drivers. We are not blaming the Entire service here, but the few who have got used to this and scam you when they can.

Most Common Uber, Pickme Scams

  • Asking to cancel the ride – when you start the journey
  • Stating there Mobile is low on power
  • Stating there Mobile Data package is over

Asking You to Cancel the Trip in App

Many Drivers ask you to cancel the Trip placed on the App, Describing how they have to pay a percentage to the App in order to get orders. Many Customers do this with a good heart, letting the driver earn the full amount. This Puts the customer at risk, as the app will no longer track the Trip and assure a safe ride as it is now just a normal roadside taxi pickup.

What you also want to Think about is, The Driver Found Your Trip via the App and the opportunity was given by the app, hence the driver is in no way justifying as he might not get such a chance waiting at a park for customers to come to them.

The Next big problem is the cancellation fee placed on you after a few minutes by the Service provider. This fee can be a mere LKR.50 or can be much bigger depending on the trip. and you might end up paying more than the actual fee due to paying the driver and also the Booking service for cancellation.

Mobile Power low – Dead Battery

All vehicles – including a Bike and a 3wheels can be fitted with a Mobile charger or the Driver has the option to carry a Powerbank. This trick is played to get the full fare that was displayed on your App. Most Drivers ask how much it showed on your end and then play this trick so that they can get the Higher Amount. This is because the Driver Already had a deduction on the amount due to a previous mishap or you might pay less due to an offer on the app on those days.

Mobile Data Connection Ended

This is also a common method to prevent you from receiving the last calculated amount. you end up paying what was shown on the app. This method is also used to Calculate lesser amount on the App, but the Driver will get the full payment from you that is shown on your App.

How to Play it out Smart

  • Say you are more than happy to continue with the App
  • Ask if the Drivers mobile is low on power or they have a risk of running out of data before getting in
  • Kindly refuse to End the Trip due to you have always been using it with the app
  • If The Driver has No Data – You could offer a hotspot if they need
  • Always Ask these and confirm before you get in – this will give them a strong signal on not to interfere or play tricks.

Always Ending the Trip is the best choice

When using a Ride hailing service such as uber or pickme it is always better to stick to the app – ask or let the driver politely that you wish to continue with the app since it can be used to prove things or used as a safety measure.

Talk to the Uber or Pickme Driver and Calmly and clearly communicate that You want to pay the final amount after they end the trip and that you can share your hotspot if they want.

Remember, you are paying for the service and the driver is getting a fare Amount/Pay for the service he is giving. The App is earning through it for the opportunity it is providing for both the customer and the driver. This should not be a point to cancel the trip.

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